Easy Rider
A photo we did not use from earlier that I came across
A photo we did not use from earlier that I came across
Galen put together a great video of some of our time with Lily’s family in Drink Horse One Army: Don’t miss a single video from our adventure. Click the red Youtube button below to subscribe!
Make sure to read the previous posts: here is the first, the second and the third post. These three posts will give the background necessary to understand this sad post, the final in the series of post at Lily’s house in Drink Horse One Army. On our first evening in the village, Lily’s father took …
Make sure to check out Part I and Part II before reading this post. Lily’s mother was waiting for us in the basketball court as Mr. Gao’s van pulled up. She was well dressed for a middle-aged village woman, wearing tight pants, high heels and pearls. I greeted her warmly, and she welcomed us into …
Make sure to check out Part I of this story. We arrived in Yumen, Jade Gate, a tiny Silk Road town that, like so many places in China, had no vestiges of its history remaining. I called the number Lily had given us, and, a few minutes later, Mr. Gao appeared with his van. We …
Since we had arrived in this touristy Silk Road town, I had been trying to figure out how to get to the Qinlian Mountains, the white capped peaks beckoning us from a distance. The mountains were beautiful and looked wild. Only fifty miles away, no one had any idea of how to get there, not …